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Glock Upgrades

Glock upgrades
December 15, 2023 697 view(s)
Glock Upgrades

Glock pistols are proven performers; they're one of the top-selling handguns in the United States, if not the world. That doesn't mean there aren't some ways to improve one, however. There are all sorts of Glock upgrades available. Check back here for additional information as we add to the lists of what we believe to the best Glock upgrades currently available. 

Learn About Glock Upgrades

Glock Upgrades

Glock upgrades vary from the functional to the niche to the purely aesthetic. These are typically designed and manufactured by an aftermarket company to either improve upon Glock OEM parts or to attain a specific accessory, function, or Glock gen functionality. The average Glock owner seems most likely to begin with the stock Glock sights, but few actually stop there. Make no mistake, an OEM Glock pistol is perfectly functional. You might want an aftermarket barrel in place of the OEM Glock barrel, but in most cases, you don't need it…though “need” is absolutely a subjective term! Particularly when you start talking suppressors and comps and the need for a threaded barrel. 

Bottom line: Glock Gesmb H makes a great handgun, but there are a number of impactful, gorgeous ways to make it greater. 

So what kind of upgrades? In this context, we're talking about additive or replacement parts, not physical changes made to the geometry of the gun (like a trigger guard undercut, for instance, or stippling on the grip). A Glock slide is often more an aesthetic choice than a performance one, although older ones are often replaced in order to mount a pistol red dot sight like the Trijicon RMR or Shield RMSc; a Glock trigger is far more likely to be a functional upgrade, whether that's a flat vs curved trigger preference, a desire for adjustable trigger pull, replacing the trigger connector or trigger shoe, or any of many other reasons. The most common change-up is probably the addition of a mag extension to the standard Glock magazine. 

The best Glock upgrade, though, is the one where you replace or improve whichever Glock part you want to improve and get better performance (or have more fun) thereby. 

Manufacturers of aftermarket trigger,  sight, grip, barrel, and other Glock upgrade components: include: 

  • 10-8 Performance
  • Aeroknox
  • Agency Arms
  • Apex Tactical Specialties
  • Arc Division
  • Arms Republic
  • Atibal
  • Battle Arms Development
  • Danger Close Armament
  • Dark Hour Defense
  • Devil Dog Concepts
  • DPM Systems Technologies
  • Emissary Development
  • Faxon Firearms
  • Fortix MGF
  • Grey Ghost Precision
  • Griffin Armament
  • Haley Strategic (HSP)
  • Kagwerks
  • Killer Innovations
  • L2D Combat
  • Lone Wolf Distributors
  • Matrix Arms
  • Night Fision
  • Nomad Defense
  • Norsso
  • Polymer 80
  •  Radian Weapons
  • Rainier Arms
  • Rival Arms
  • Shadow Systems
  • Spinta Precision
  • Strike Industries
  • Swampfox
  • Tam Tamography
  • Taran Tactical (TTI/Taran Tactical Innovation)
  • Trinity Nevada
  • True Precision
  • Tyrant Designs
  • XS Sights
  • Zaffiri Precision
  • Zev Technologies

Thank ya for reading the as-yet-unnamed official journal of Rainier Arms! 

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