The Story of the SIG MCX Spear, MCX Spear LT, and XM7

SIG MCX Spear for sale: the MCX Spear is the civilian version of the SIG XM7
May 13, 2024 6220 view(s)
The Story of the SIG MCX Spear, MCX Spear LT, and XM7

You see some cool pictures, watch some gameplay, whatever, and you've decided you want a SIG MCX Spear of your own. Or maybe it's a SIG MCX Spear LT. Whatever. The point is, you ask yourself, “Self? Where can I find a SIG MCX Spear for sale?” What do I need to know about it? 

Glad you asked cuz we're going to answer those questions and more.

Learn up about the MCX platform.

  The SIG MCX-Spear

In late 2022/early 2023 (SHOT Show), SIG SAUER introduced the civilian version of the U.S. Army’s new XM7 rifle, the MCX-SPEAR. As part of the Next Generation Squad Weapon program, the MCX-SPEAR was reportedly developed with direct input from U.S. warfighters to provide more power, distance, and accuracy to replace the current M4 rifle series.


Table of Contents

  1. SIG MCX Spear for Sale
  2. SIG MCX Background
  3. SIG MCX Spear
  4. SIG MCX Spear LT
  5. SIG XM7


The SIG MCX Spear is the civilian version of the XM7

Nowadays, you can find a SIG MCX Spear for sale in any of several configurations.

SIG MCX Spear for Sale

SIG Sauer MCX Spear for Sale

We’ll discuss history, features, and use below. First, here's where to buy if you're looking for a MCX Spear for sale! 



MCX Spear LT Multicam for sale

SIG Custom Works released the MCX SPEAR-LT MULTICAM in collaboration with Blown Deadline. Its Cerakote finish allows it to withstand extreme levels of wear and tear far better than standard dips and paint. Configured as a pistol with an 11.5” barrel and chambered in 5.56 NATO, the SIG Custom Works MCX SPEAR LT MULTICAM edition delivers all the same modularity and performance as the complete MCX-SPEAR LT family with a high-performance Cerakote finish. This is a gorgeous example of SIG Sauer MCX Spear for sale (and a handsome option for competitive shooting). 

SIG MCX Spear in use with unidentified special operator in Ukraine.SIG MCX Spear in use by unknown special unit member in Ukraine.

SIG MCX Background

MCX Spear: Background 

The SIG MCX is a modular and multi-caliber rifle introduced in 2015 by SIG USA, a part of the Swiss company SIG Sauer. It is referred to as the civilian version of the U.S. Army's XM7 rifle, which was the final rifle of choice for the Next Generation Squad Weapons Program (NGSW). Both versions benefit from a design intended to produce a versatile, easily configurable weapon system that would appeal to various operators for various mission types.

The design focused, we’re told, on compact geometry and reduced weight to make it more suitable for confined space work and urban operations. That’s what we’ve read anyway, and it makes sense. 

SIG MCX in use by Danish police tactical unit

A SIG MCX in use by the Danish police tactical unit Politiets Aktionsstyrke (AKS: English, Special Intervention Unit). Politiets Aktionsstyrke is run by the Danish Security and Intelligence Service and regularly trains with their military counterparts, the Jægerkorpset and Frømandskorpset. 

Did they achieve that goal? Yeah, it seems like they have. The MCX family of weapons is popular not just with specialized military/LE units, but with civilian shooters too.

The MCX’s modular design has been one of its major selling points since the git-go. Even in a market full of customizable weapon platforms, the MCX stands out for its ease of individualization. For instance, the upper receiver can be quickly swapped out to change the caliber, barrel length, and other features.

The lower receiver is a little less striking, though much like its AR-platform cousins, it can be fitted with a slew of different stocks, grips, and accessories.

 An officer from a Lithuanian police tactical unit training with the SIG MCX.

An officer from a Lithuanian police tactical unit training with the SIG MCX.

As for what to feed it and how to use it, models of the MCX are available in several calibers, including (but not limited to): 

      • 5.56mm NATO

      • 300 AAC Blackout

      • 7.62x39mm

      • .277 Fury

      • 6.5 Creedmoor


Short-Stroking It

The MCX isn’t a direct-impingement gun like your typical black rifle. Instead, it uses a short-stroke piston gas system. This (among other things) helps SIG keep the size small, making the MCX more suitable for close-quarters work than some of its competitors. 

SIG MCX in use by Denmark's Special Intervention Unit.

SIG MCX in use by Denmark’s Politiets Aktionsstyrke (AKS: English, Special Intervention Unit).


MCX Spear

The MCX SPEAR is the everyman, responsible citizen version of the U.S. Army’s XM7 rifle.  The SIG XM7 is the weapon chosen to be the nexus of the Next Generation Squad Weapons Program (NGSW) series of long guns.

The MCX-SPEAR is the civilian version of the U.S. Army’s new XM7 rifle, which was chosen as part of the Next Generation Squad Weapons Program (NGSW).

Initial Spear features when it was announced (some attributes have been expanded since the initial release). 

  • Available in 7.62x51 and coming soon in 277 SIG Fury (utilizes SR-25 magazines)
  • Non-reciprocating side and rear charging handle for maximum flexibility in shooting position and optics capability (LPVO, red dot sights, etc.)
  • Fully ambidextrous controls, including ambidextrous bolt catch and bolt release
  • Integrated stainless steel QD mounts in the lower receiver for easy, secure attachment of slings
  • Coyote tan anodized finish
  • Interchangeable barrel for easy caliber conversion
  • Two-position adjustable gas valve for suppressed or unsuppressed use
  • Includes SIG SAUER SLH and SLX suppressor-ready QD mount flash hider
  • Matchlite Duo Trigger for a clean, crisp break
  • Folding two-position Magpul SL-M stock


MCX Spear LT

The MCX-Spear LT is actually a whole family of modular weapons, with variants chambered in 5.56x45mm, 300 BLK, 7.62x39mm, and possibly soon some others.

The LT series consists of rifle, pistol and Short Barrel Rifle options with barrel lengths of nine, 11, and 16 inches. The (relatively) new MCX Spear LT is a part of the overall MCX family but bears many evolved features of the SIG Virtus. It keeps the general geometry and configuration of an AR-15 but is optimized for SIG Sauer optics (and other models), suppressors, and other upgrades/add-ons.

Note: Although the firearm is described as being optimized for “SIG Sauer accessories,” you can use most any weapon light, optic, visible or IR laser, etc.  

Modularity potential includes the capability of end-user change-outs of stocks, handguards, and interchangeable barrels (for the different calibers)...and it's light. 

The SIG MCX Spear LT family of weaponsFeatures of the lightweight MCX-SPEAR-LT include an ambidextrous bolt catch and release on its lower, a coyote brown anodized receiver finish, a minimalist stock for maximum compact foldability, lightweight ergonomic handguard, and AR15-style trigger compatibility. Developed with a new latch system, the 7.62x39 variant of MCX SPEAR LT was developed to handle a variety of 7.62 caliber ammunition without sacrificing reliability or shootability. Many competitors in shooting sports upgrade their MCX with a SIG flatblade match trigger. 


XM7 Rifle

The SIG XM7 was chosen for the NGSW Contract by the U.S. Army in early 2022. The selection process took more than two years. 

XM7When making the selection announcement, SIG said, "The XM250 (SIG-LMG lightweight belt-fed machine gun) and XM7 (SIG MCX-SPEAR Rifle) are purpose-built to harness the energy of the SIG FURY 6.8 Common Cartridge Ammunition enabling greater range and increased lethality while reducing the soldier’s load on the battlefield.  Both the XM250 and XM7 deliver significant weapon and technology advancements to the soldier and provide a solution for battlefield overmatch in comparison to the current M249 and M4/M4A1." This is the 2024 Soldier generation squad weapon.


Other MCX Spear Models

There are several versions of the MCX available, some select-fire, some semi-auto only, and in pistol/SBR, carbine, and rifle configurations. These include (but aren’t limited to) the…

      1. SIG MCX Virtus: The Virtus was the second-generation MCX, introduced in 2017. It is available in several configurations and designed for use by military and law enforcement personnel. It features an improved trigger, a new handguard, and a longer barrel.

      2. SIG MCX Rattler: The Rattler is a compact, SBR version of the SIG MCX designed for Personal Defense Weapon (PDW) use. It features a 5.5-inch barrel and a folding stock, making it highly portable. The Rattler won the USSOCOM Commercial Personal Defense Weapon (CPDW) contract and will reportedly be utilized in suppressed .300 BLK and 5.56mm NATO configurations. 

      3. SIG MCX Patrol: The Patrol is a civilian version of the SIG MCX. It features a 16-inch barrel and a fixed stock, making it suitable for various applications.

      4. SIG MCX SBR: The SBR (Short Barreled Rifle) is a variant of the SIG MCX that is designed for use by military and law enforcement personnel, though it could be utilized by civilians who follow NFA dictates. It sports a 9-inch barrel and a folding stock for improved portability. The MCX SBRhas a cousin called the Low Visibility Assault Weapon (LVAW) that is both suppressed and select-fire. 

      5. SIG MCX Canebrake: The Canebrake is a special SIG MCX edition designed specifically for use as a suppressed system.

Some high end gear in Ukraine.

Some high-end gear in Ukraine, including SIG MCX, Opscore helmet, and Ferro Concepts LBE.






MCX Spear in the Field and Overseas


In addition to units of the United States Army, the SIG MCX is used by the security forces of several allied nations, including: 

      • The French Army: The French Army’s Special Forces and Rapid Reaction Corps have adopted the SIG MCX to replace the FAMAS assault rifle.

      • German Police Units: Some German police agencies have adopted the SIG MCX for use by their tactical units.

      • Finnish Army: The Finnish Army has reportedly adopted the SIG MCX to replace their aging RK 62 assault rifles.

      • Norwegian Police: The Norwegian police have also reportedly adopted the SIG MCX for use by their tactical units.

      • Israeli SOF: At least some elements of the IDF SOF stable have reportedly begun using the SIG MCX in lieu of their M4s. 

      • Danish police: As with Norway and Germany, some law enforcement agencies in Denmark are now using the MCX.

Another Lithuanian tactical officer in training.

Another MCX-equipped Lithuanian tactical officer in training.

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