Blackout Defense
Blackout Defense is at the center of where science and manufacturing meet. Our products are engineered to perfection in the lab, executed to exact tolerances in the factory, and tested for human performance in the field. The final product is no accident.
Aerospace and defense. That is where we started. A lot of shops say that, but few mean it. Boeing, Raytheon, Honeywell—these were our customers. AH-64 Apache, Bradley Infantry, ICBM Payload—these were our projects. Blackout Defense has not lost sight of their history, and in fact, continue some of these projects to this day. Yet when Blackout Defense turns their attention to their own design and engineering, they bring the same manufacturing acumen and meticulous quality that earned us success in that demanding industry.
What does all this science, computerized machinery, and attention to detail amount to? How does world-class machinery equate to a better-finished product? Well, Blackout Defense hope you’ll join them to see for yourself.