Danger Close Armament
High performance pistols and rifles
Danger Close Armament is a firearms manufacturer from Greenwood Village, Colorado, that specializes in high-quality handguns.
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2504 Auburn Way N
Danger Close Armament is a firearms manufacturer from Greenwood Village, Colorado, that specializes in high-quality handguns.
you can also use an Sig magazine with it which are much easier to find. Later, I was to find out that the gun came with five magazines. The moment I knew I had to have it was when I dry fired the gun in the store. I’ve never felt to trigger that crisp. I mean, you pull the hammer back and put your finger on the trigger and it’s barely a pull to fire the gun. No long travel or take up in the trigger. Later, I would find out if this made the Gun very easy to be very accurate. I went home and looked at YouTube videos and put my hands on all the written material that I could find to read up on the pistol so I could make an educated decision as to whether or not to buy it. Needless to say, the next day, I was back at that gun store and purchased the pistol. I bought an SRO Red Dot for it.
I went to the range to shoot it and… Let’s just say it made me look like a much better pistol Marksman than I actually am. It was effortless to shoot. It was so well-balanced in my hand with its 17 + 1 magazine capacity in the gun. Also, the gun would shoot as fast as I could pull the trigger. I was extremely impressed.
I believe you can always learn more about anything so I have no problem in saying I took a one on one training class a few days ago on Red Dot usage. The instructor who worked with me said he taught military and police classes. I took a small break and he asked to shoot my gun during the training. He had a Staccato pistol which I shot but after shooting my OA Defense pistol he had to know all about it. He was extremely impressed with how easy my gun was to shoot, the speed that you could shoot it and the trigger brake. I liked my pistol better than his Staccato. It performed just as well in my opinion.
This gun is my EDC now. As I said, it comes with five magazines and a very nice range bag custom fit for this pistol with room for all the magazines and a box of ammunition.
The only negative things I’ve noticed is when you clean the gun, you need to use a lot of oil and sometimes the slide will not lock back after a magazine has been emptied. Read LessRead less about I started out looking for a pistol for