While Rainier Arms works diligently to stay current on all state and local laws, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the firearm they are purchasing is legal to ship, as presented on our website, to their dealer of choice, and that the dealer is willing to accept the transfer.
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FFL Required Before Shipping. Please have your dealer email a copy of their FFL to FFL@rainierarms.com or fax it to 253-218-2998, referencing your name and order number.
Q: Hi - is this legal for NY residents? I would ship to my FFL here if it is - thanks! Doesn’t seem like a threaded barrel, has a limited 10 round mag… QC-RNG-9-5.5 Product Type AR Pistol Manufacturer Quarter Circle 10 Barrel Length 5.5" Caliber 9mm
Rainier Arms
A: Hi,
Please confirm state legality with your local FFL as they will be more current on your state laws.
Please confirm state legality with your local FFL as they will be more current on your state laws.