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Taran Tactical Innovations John Wick Compensator - MPX Gen 3


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Taran Tactical Innovations John Wick Compensator - MPX Gen 3


The Compensator has a system of ports to reduce the recoil, the muzzle climb, and the noise heard by the shooter.

The Comp is cut from the solid stainless steel bar stock for greater resistance to hear and burnout.

The Comp is designed to pull the firearm forward slightly with the same force that the bolt is going backwards mitigating the recoil and increase accuracy on follow-up shots. The two equally opposing forces cause the firearm to barley move at all while firing.


  • Glass Bead finish
  • Thread is M13.5x1LH
  • TTI adds on an ion-bond diamond like coating rated at 95 rockwell for scratch resistance, and extended life.
  • Includes Crush Washer

Please NOTE: This is for the Sig MPX PCC Left Handed thread pitch ONLY.

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